The Wave


W środę klasy II c i III a były na wycieczce w Krakowie. Głównym celem był spektakl w języku angielskim The Wave wystawiany w Rotundzie przez The American Drama Group Europe.

The Wave by American author Morton Rhue has became one of the widest read novels in central Europe. The book is based on a true story. In 1969 in California a history teacher embarked on an experiment to educate his young and rather naive students about the rise of the Nazi party. He founded a movement in the school called the Wave, with himself as unquestioned leader. The play was directed by Paul Stebbings.

“Be careful who you follow because you never know where they will lead you”

Oprócz  sztuki w szybkim tempie zobaczyliśmy Stare Miasto w Krakowie z ulica Floriańską, Rynkiem, Plantami i ul. Gołębią.


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